‘The Scottish Chiefs’ by Jane Porter
Bought so many books the day we spent hours in The Book Shop in Wigtown Mairiuna, that I can hardly remember all the titles. 😉 How funny !!!…do you remember how Jean-Claude had to tuck away some of our...
View ArticleMagnificent Melrose Abbey ...
Hi Mairiuna! Delighted to read your last post 🙂 As we have not had the chance to visit this architectural gem by night, as suggested by Sir Walter Scott in his marvelous poem ” The Lay of the Last...
View ArticleRobert the Bruce's Heart Buried at Melrose Abbey
In 2000, when we first visited Melrose Abbey, we did not know that the heart of Robert the Bruce, the famous Scottish King who defeated the English army at Bannockburn, on 24 June 1314, was buried...
View ArticleScotland’s Storyteller Nigel Tranter Historical Epic: The Bruce Trilogy
. Abbotsford Nigel Tranter exhibition author's typewriter © 2006 Scotiana Since we are speaking of Robert the Bruce I would like to introduce today Nigel Tranter, a very popular Scottish author who has...
View ArticleDiscovering Scottish Unicorns: Dunfermline
Abbot House Unicorn in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland © Scotiana 2015 In every form or shape, the unicorn has always fascinated me and thus, I have gathered many collectables over the years, be it stamps,...
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